Pressmeddelande: ReGeneration 2030

ReGeneration2030 är en rörelse som leds av och för unga i Norden och Östersjöregionen för att samla upp och engagera unga i hela regionen till att arbeta med och förverkliga FN:s utvecklings- och hållbarhetsmål i Agenda 2030.

ReGeneration 2030 Summit ordnas årligen i Mariehamn, med start 2018.

Nedan senaste pressmeddelandet från ReGeneration 2030.

Press Release: New Steering Committee of ReGeneration 2030 decided on key themes for the Annual Summit 2019

As ReGeneration 2030 embarks upon its second year of existence, a new mandate period for the steering committee (SC) has begun and new members have been elected. The new steering committee consists of the following elected members:

* Chair: Tatiana Lanshina (SDSN Youth Russia)

* Vice Chair: Pontus Ambros (Baltic University Programme)

* Secretary: Karin Bylund (SDSN Youth in Northern Europe)

* Summit contact person: Simon Holmström (Ålands Natur och Miljö)

* Communication Contact person: Jonna Similä (Hanaholmen/Globsol)

* Finance contact person: Martin Ruemmelein (BSSSC Youth)

This SC sets out the strategic frames for the ReGeneration 2030 movement and gives the mandate to an operative Secretariat to take on the practical work. The coordinator, Hanna Salmén, leads secretariat that consists of volunteers who are engaging in different working groups - communication, finance and summit. Both the secretariat and the SC are supported by an Advisory Committee (AC). The AC has members from several partners, including, the Nordic Institute on Åland (NIPÅ), The Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM), The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), the Åland provincial Government, the Bärkraft Network of Åland, Global Utmaning, The National Youth Council in Sweden (LSU), the NCM Office in Lithuania, The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To read more about the team and its members, visit the website.

The SC, the AC and members of the secretariat held the annual strategy meeting at the office of the CBSS in Stockholm on 10-11 January. The vision, the long-term and short-term goals of the movement were strengthened, and the focus of 2019 was decided. The ReGeneration 2030 Summit with the theme “Changing climate, changing lifestyles” will be arranged on the Åland Islands on 24-26 August 2019. The Summit will continue to focus on SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production while taking in the aspect and correlation to SDG13: Climate Action.

The Summit will focus on deepening the Manifesto that was adopted at the Summit of 2018 and on how the participants and anyone who joins the movement can work practically with the commitments to achieve the vision of the Manifesto. As in 2018, this year’s Summit will be a meeting place where young people, 15-29-year-old, in the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions*) can engage in intergenerational dialogues with established leaders from civil society, enterprises, politics, academia and public sector, with the focus of finding practical solutions for cooperation and for reaching the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.

*The region includes: Denmark, Estonia, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the Åland Islands.


Hanna Salmén, Coordinator ReGeneration 2030
