Bärkraft in english

Bärkraft.ax is a network by and for the people of Åland building a flourishing and viable society on the Islands of Peace.

Formed in 2016, bärkraft.ax acts as a platform for all forms of organisations on Åland, working towards a common goal of a viable and sustainable region. Bärkraft.ax is a network open for participants from all sectors of society, including civil society, business and government. It’s individuals and members that continuously gives the network its content and momentum to realise the Development and sustainability agenda for Åland.

The backbone of the network is the Development and sustainability agenda for Åland. Formulated by citizens on Åland, the agenda sets out a long-term vision following the everyone can flourish idea and concrete development goals. The forming of the network is deeply rooted in society, and therefore enjoys high levels of confidence and trust by citizens. This confidence is what enables the transformation of society towards a sustainable future.